This Is Why Every Business Owner Should Write a Book – Importance of Book Writing for Small Business Owners
In a world where there are millions of small business owners and thousands of them coming up every week and every day, it is just not enough to have a good and reliable business.
It is even not enough to spend thousands of dollars on marketing your business and your product because you can achieve both of them with something that you will actually enjoy doing.
This solution that we are about to present to you is a solution that is relevant to all kinds of businesses and every kind of business owner whether small or medium might be able to utilise this.
We are talking about writing a book. This book can be about your life story and how you created your business overcoming every challenge that came towards you.
This book can be completely business-oriented and will just talk about business and nothing else and is simply going to be an educational book that will help other business owners.
This book can be something completely unrelated like a book about plants or nature or even aircrafts and it will also be more effective than not writing a book. We would still suggest you to write a book on something related to business for the best kind of impact.
The important thing to understand here is that books are one of the best tools in existence to help you with authority in an industry and relevance.
That is why we are here to talk about all the important reasons why every small business owner should write a book.
The points we are going to talk about will be relevant to businesses all over the world and these are points curated by our publishing company from the opinions of our business owner authors.
So, let’s get started.
Reasons For Business Owners to Write a Book
Authority Building
As a business owner, you should always want your clients to think that you provide the best business solutions in the industry whatever the product or service might be.
As a business owner, it is important to understand that authority is what differentiates business success from failure.
In an ideal situation, you would want potential clients to think that you are the most knowledgeable about the topic or that you provide the best kind of services and solutions in the industry.
There are multiple ways to establish that authority and one of the best possible ways is to write a book about it.
This is because when it comes to authority establishment books are right there near the top of the list when it comes to credibility.
If you want to understand the topic or if you want to prove a topic then publishing a book about it is the best way to establish your argument and it is better than any other written or other forms of communication.
That is why if you are a business owner then you should write a book about something related to your industry. For example, if you manufacture glass bottles then you can write a book about the history of glass bottles and it should be a well-researched book because your relevance is directly linked with the book.
The kind of effect this book about glass bottles will have is profound because anyone who is interested in glass bottles is going to read your book and they will trust your expertise and your opinions way more than your competitors. You are now not just a business owner that manufactures glass buttons because you are now an expert and a respected authority in the industry with a book, that holds a lot of weight.
Brand Awareness
Brand awareness is probably one of the biggest challenges for a business owner because in order to have a business the business owner simply needs to put out their business and make people aware of their brand.
This is the reason why writing a book is excellent simply because a book is an extension of your branding and yourself which is an extension of your business.
This simply means that the traffic you are going to get when you write a book can be diverted towards your business and it simply does not take a lot to do that.
You can even utilise your book for doing something like this by mentioning your business or even writing a book about your business and that will make people generally interested in your business.
Brand visibility is always best when it is done organically and while people might argue that writing a book about your business is not organic brand awareness but it definitely is.
This is because when you try to bring brand awareness with the help of a book you are not creating brand awareness with the help of ads and sponsorships are even media coverage, you are simply telling your story through your book which is about your business.
This is much more consumable for people rather than a deliberate marketing campaign.
Client Acquisition
If you are looking for new clients and you are looking to generate leads for potential clients then the best way to do so is to not make the potential clients feel that you are looking for them.
This is done with the help of a book because a book is a natural lead magnet and it is so effective simply because you get to say a lot more and express a lot more with a book than you do with any other means of lead generation.
When it comes to a book, you can set the narrative and also not give potential clients the feeling that you are marketing your brand. Of course, there is the idea of marketing behind the book but the primary purpose of the book is to tell your story or whatever you want to express in it.
But when it comes to the effect of that book, it is going to showcase to the readers your personal branding as well as your business.
The thing with traditional marketing and client acquisition is that ads are a very deliberate form of marketing and are not really the best option if you want to run a high-trust campaign.
With a traditional marketing campaign run on ads, your potential leads always take it for granted that this is an ad and that it is not as trustworthy as a book.
However, when it comes to a book, it generates much more trust.
Market Credibility
People only go for businesses that they think is the absolute best at what they do but when you have a market that is saturated with competition, it becomes difficult for the consumer to make a choice.
For example, let’s say you and your primary competitor are both excellent at manufacturing toys and you both probably utilise the same set of machines and even match everything right from product price to product quality and material quality.
You don’t do that intentionally but it is simply the best way to make a profit without incurring losses and you probably get the raw materials from the same distributors.
Your businesses are identical and there is no way for a consumer to distinguish between the brands.
In a situation like this, you need market credibility because you need to establish yourself as the market expert and the go-to place for that product service.
If we again look at this example and change something about it then this situation can be completely different. Let’s now say that you decide to write a book about how you developed your business from a small room in your apartment to a factory.
Let’s say you decide to market that book aggressively and it becomes one of the most popular motivational books ever in addition to providing a lot of value to not just small business owners but also toy manufacturers.
Doing so you have now just distinguished yourself from the competition because you have a book and your competition does not. Your competition is now just a time manufacturing company but your business is now an industry expert and you, an acclaimed author and industry expert.
Media Attention
Every business wants media attention and every business needs media attention and this can be done artificially by collaborating with media houses and sponsoring their events.
It can be done naturally by providing some of the best quality of services as a business but the odds of a media house picking up your story or second to none.
If you can unlock the attention of any reputable media house then it will be a gold mine of lead generation for your business.
However, media houses do not simply publish a story about a business that is providing a good quality of service because that is just something taken for granted unless it is exceptional and historic.
That is why if you want me the attention then you need to get it with the help of a book. Your chances of media picking up your story improves dramatically if it is done with the help of literature.
Books are something much more trustworthy and accepted and books are seen as something much more legitimate and authentic in order to get media attention.
For example, you have a small business that manufactures candy for children. You do your level best to provide the best quality of service you can and you maintain the most hygienic manufacturing process and you also keep the prices very low.
You do everything on your part to ensure that your candy manufacturing business not only follows the highest standards of manufacturing and business practices but also sets them.
You donate extra candy to children in orphanages and you pay your workers way above the competition. This is still not enough to get you into a news story or any other kind of relevant media.
Now let’s change something, you do all of those good things or even a fraction of all that and you mention that in your book along with creating a book not just about candy but how you managed to fulfil your dream of becoming the world’s best candy maker and how you started your business from your kitchen and now operate in 4 major cities.
This is much more acceptable to the media as a story worth covering.
Income Stream
And finally, we come to one of the most important reasons why every small business owner should write a book and it is simply capital. Every business needs capital to operate and grow and that is also the case with your small business.
However, since you run a small business, it is not going to be possible to attract investors that easily, get funding or even transform your company into a public company and sell some shares of it.
So, where are you going to get the extra money to help your business grow? It’s not like your savings account is going to get credited randomly with money.
However, that will just be the case if you decide to publish a book apart from being a business owner because writing a book is one of the best investments possible.
When you write a book, you invest some time and money into it but that’s just it because there are no more investments to be made and you can let it sit like a traditional investment but in the form of a published book.
This published book is going to work for itself and generate profits for you for years to come and there is no stopping the sale of a book and you are always going to end up with some extra working capital in your account which you can then invest in your business.
That is why writing a book is one of the best investments possible as it just gives you a little bit more financial freedom with an extra income stream.
We hope this blog has helped to understand why it is so important for every business owner to write a book in order to improve their brand authority in the industry.
If you are a business owner and you are looking to publish the story of your life along with your journey of building your business then we are here to help you.
We are Orange Publishers and we are one of the most renowned traditional publishing companies in India with an extensive record of working with business professionals in order to publish their stories to the world.
We have some of the finest people working for us at our publishing company and we can provide you with the most seamless book publishing experience in the industry that is a combination of the convenience of self-publishing with the reliability of traditional publishing.
We welcome you to our website and check out everything we do.