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If you are planning to write your first novel and if you want to choose the most popular novel type with the best plot development as well as the best suspense techniques then there is only one option for you.

We are talking about crime novels. Crime novels are one of the most popular types of novels but crime novels can also be extremely difficult for someone who has never done it before.

There is a reason why crime novel writing mistakes are very common but it is also very easy to understand crime fiction mistakes to avoid.

There are so many things that can go wrong when you are writing crime novels and you can be wrong about criminal psychology or you can be wrong about crimes in description and so much more.

That is why instead of just talking about crime novel writing tips, we will be talking about novel writing mistakes to avoid as well such as plot inconsistencies or things like dialogue in crime novels etc.

We will talk about things like character development errors and how you should deal with writing suspenseful scenes so that you know exactly how building tension works.

So let us look at important tips about crime fiction and a few mistakes to avoid and we assure this blog will help you with your research for crime novels.

Let us start the blog from the very basics by understanding what are crime novels.

What Are Crime Novels?

Crime novels are one of the most popular genres of novels and a crime novel is a story that revolves around a crime as the central theme.

Crime novels can be detective novels about crime or even spy novels. Crime novels can be thrillers and they can even be psychological thrillers.

The primary thing to understand about crime novels is that there should be a crime in the plot and there can be resolution of the crime and a reveal.

Crime novels can follow a very common template that is very popular or it can even follow a very unique template that has never been seen before.

They are one of the most popular types of novels but there is so much that can go wrong while writing a crime novel.

So, let us look at a few tips to keep in mind and a few mistakes to avoid.

Tips To Keep in Mind While Writing Crime Novels

Always Do Research

Crime novels are one of the most technical types of novels because it is all about the details and not the emotion.

If you get your details wrong in the crime novel then nobody will simply read your novel because details are everything when it comes to crime novels.

When you are writing crime novels you must have a good understanding of forensics and how investigations work and you must have a deep understanding of whatever you put in the novel.

This means you should also understand how crime takes place and in order to do so the only thing you can do is research and read a lot of other novels but even more importantly read training manuals.

If you get hold of training videos and training manuals for police and detectives and even realistic documentaries then that will help you with your research.

If you want to do the best kind of research then you need to have contacts in law enforcement and detective agencies. This will provide you with the best kind of experience to write crime novels.

And if you are someone who already has a background in the law then it is even better.

Always The Imperfect Hero

If you want to write a crime novel and if you want to follow the trusted trends of time that are loved throughout the world then you should never write a black-and-white novel.

By black and white we mean that you should not write a novel where it is easy to identify the hero or the villain and side with the hero.

That is not how things work in real life because the hero has a little bit of a villain and the villain has their reasons to be a villain.

That is why you should always make sure that this is balanced so that you actually give room to your readers to think about it.

If you keep everything black and white then it will not stay a crime novel because everything will be predictable but if you keep the characters in the grey then it is going to improve the complexity by a lot.

A Nuanced Criminal or Villain

If you want to take your novel to the next level then all you need to do is to create a villain that is complex and not a simple criminal who is a bad person for the sake of being a bad person.

You can even do a better thing and make the circumstances the criminal which will make the plot even more complex.

You can show their human part and you can even show the part that makes them truly evil. For example, you can take any popular crime TV series and you are going to find that the criminals are a victim of circumstances.

This is because it is actually what happens in real life because no one is truly evil, they just find themselves in certain circumstances.

Keep Crime at The Forefront

If you are writing a crime novel then you should remember you are writing that because a lot of new authors make the mistake of keeping the crime as a side story.

They do not do it intentionally but they often start the story with different viewpoints and different events that are not directly related to the crime.

But you should always start with the crime and how the crime unfolds. You can take inspiration from the legendary crime novels of Sherlock Holmes because they always start with the crime or with a hint of the crime.

While you are free to do whatever you want but this is something tried and tested in the of crime writing.

Deal In Chapters and Locations

If you are writing for a printed publication and not a TV series then you should make sure that you have a solid location because it is just going to help the reader with the situation.

Having multiple dynamic locations is unnecessary and it is not going to help you with your story but it will make things more confusing.

That is why you should treat the location as a character and that will give you much more dynamic to work on because the setting is going to be essential for all the other events.

The complexity should not be in the locations but rather in the story.

Always Maintain the Tension

If you want to find out the fundamentals of a crime novel then one of the most important fundamentals is suspense because without suspense there is no crime novel.

That is why when you are writing a crime novel you should never give out the suspense before the climax because if you do that the readers will lose interest in the story completely.

That is why you should only reveal the criminal at the very end but leave a little bit of space for explanation.

That is why you are the filter and you should understand how much to let out and how much secret to maintain so that the interest of the readers is maintained.

Write Something You Enjoy and Know

You should not write something for the sake of writing in novel but you should actually enjoy it.  When you are writing a crime novel you are in a very special position of knowing the entire story.

That is why you should only write on something that you know completely about and this is similar to the point about research.

If you do not have interest in a certain kind of topic but if that topic is very popular then you should not write about it just because it is trending.

This is because if you do not have an interest in the topic then you are more likely to make mistakes.

Mistakes can be forgiving in other kinds of novels but not in a crime novel because then you are more prone to loopholes.

Read, Read and Read

Inspiration is something truly magical and the best way for you to get inspiration is to read the very best and that is why we would always tell you to read some of the greatest crime novels in the world.

If you read classic crime novels then you are not only going to get the most practical tips about writing but you will also get to know so much about the crime world so that you will be better informed to write.

Every novel out there is inspired by something else and some authors even mention that and that is why there is no shame in doing so.

You can even put a dedication in your novel stating how some novels inspired you to do so and maybe your novel will inspire someone else.

Serious Mistakes to Avoid While Writing Crime Novels

Never Skip on Research

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to skip on research for your novel because if you skip on research then you stand the chance of creating loopholes.

Now there are genres out there where loopholes are tolerable because they do not form the structure of the plot.

But loopholes in crime novels can completely destroy the plot and the entire basis of the novel and people will simply not read your novel if it has any loopholes.

That is why the best way to avoid that is to be perfect with your storytelling and perfect with your technicalities.

We have already mentioned how you can do your research but we would also like to tell you that when you are doing research you can make a simple mistake.

You can only think that research is all about books and literature and all about reading manuals but that is not the thing.

Research is also going out into the world and listening to people and talking to police and detectives and simply exploring the world of crime.

It is going into slums and talking to people and understanding the mentality of the people where a lot of crime takes place.

Never Reject Part Two

Another thing you must keep in mind when you are writing a crime novel is that this is a particular genre that works extremely well with sequels.

You can pick up some of the most popular crime novels in the world and you are going to find that they have sequels. That is why you should always be open to the idea of opening up your novel to a second part.

It will not only make sense economically but it will make sense from the point of view of the story and the readers because if they really like something they would want another part.

But the mistake beginner authors make is that they do not leave any space for sequels because they write the first part and they think it is going to be the only part.

They might probably change their mind after their novel becomes successful but they simply do not have any space for sequels after that.

That is why you should always think about the future and leave some space for sequels.

Shortcuts With Editing

Crime novels are very technical which means there are more chances you are going to make a mistake in crime novels than any other kind of novel.

Those mistakes are only going to get noticed in the editing stage of the process. That is why in order to make sure you have the most perfect novel; you should never skip multiple rounds of editing.

If you can afford the time then you should also do proofreading. This is going to be the step after the editing and just before the publishing because if you have the time for it then you should never skip this step, especially for a crime novel.

If you are not confident with the proofreading then you can even hire an outside it to do it for you and supervise it closely.

Predictable Story

The biggest enemy of crime novels is going to be a predictable story because the entire point of a crime novel is for people to keep guessing.

If people cannot guess the ending or the plot then you are successful at writing the novel. But if people are able to guess the story exactly then you should rethink the novel.

This is actually a very simple metric for measuring whether you have a successful crime novel or not. You should have your close friends and your loved ones or even your colleagues read it.

You should give them a section of the novel or maybe the first few chapters. If they are not able to guess the ending then you are successful.

If they can tell you exactly what the ending is going to be then you should revaluate your novel.

Blind Copy

One of the problems with this genre is that people unintentionally replicate classic crime novels after they have read them.

It is one thing to draw inspiration from another novel but people make the mistake of completely copying the novel unintentionally because of how inspired they get from reading other crime novels.

They use stereotypical settings and they use a similar character structure and plot structure.  Now if you have picked up something like that from an obscure novel then you might have a better chance of getting away with it.

But if you have picked it up from someplace familiar like Agatha Christie or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle then people will be able to spot it easily.

That is why you should keep the story as original as possible and if you can do that while drawing inspiration from the greatest novels then there is no harm in it.

Instead, you can draw inspiration from real crime in the world and real plots and combine them and that is one way to stay original.

Apart from all that, you must also keep in mind that the pacing of the novel should be perfect and you should also make sure you spend some time on subplots.

We hope this blog has been helpful for you to understand how to write crime novels and how to not write crime novels because both are important.

And we really hope you are able to pen down your crime novel and that it becomes a bestseller. While we cannot help you write your novel but we can definitely help you reach your readers.

We are Orange Publishers and we are a legacy publishing company with one of the finest reputations in India. We do everything in-house. We do the printing as well as publishing and even the marketing and the copyright of the novel for our authors.

Additionally, even do book cover designing and all the basic necessities of a legacy publisher.

We welcome you to visit our website and check out everything we do and we would love to publish your crime novel and any other kind of novel.

Common Crime Novel FAQs

What makes a novel a crime novel?

A novel can be called a crime novel when the central theme of the novel revolves around crime. It can be a single crime or it can be multiple crime stories.

A regular novel will not be set around a crime and there might be crime involved in a regular novel but it will not be the basis of the novel.

But when we talk about a crime novel, it is going to be the only reason the novel exists, its central theme.

What are the steps to write a crime story?

There are no standardized steps to do it but there are a few important things to keep in mind. If you want to write a crime story, you need to understand how crime works and in order to do that you need to have excellent research.

This means reading books about crime and talking with people who deal with criminals and also talking to criminals if it is possible or watching documentaries.

It is also very important that you understand the psychology of the criminal and for that, you can also do a little bit of studying about criminal psychology.

If you do not do that and try to write a crime story then the story will not be very realistic.

What are the genres of crime novels?

There are a lot of genres in the world of crime novels. There is the popular thriller and then there are things like spy thrillers. There is a subgenre called historical crime fiction and then there are psychological thrillers.

Crime novels can also be about a robbery or a heist and it can be about a serial killer. You can even have a crime novel about how the police work and the novel can be from their perspective. The novel can also be from the perspective of a detective.

A legal proceeding thriller is also a crime novel. Basically, there are multiple subgenres in the world of crime novels.

How many pages should a crime novel be?

It is completely up to you how many words you want to write and how many pages you want it to be but let us give you an average estimate of page count for crime novels.

If you want to write a short novel then it can be as low as 200 pages and there are good examples of those kinds of crime novels.

If you want your novel to be medium sized then you are looking at somewhere around 300 pages.

But if you want to write a novel that is considered long then it will be anywhere over 400 pages with novels even being up to 700 pages.

It all depends on what you want to do.


There are a lot of unsung professionals in the world who are very impactful in our day-to-day lives but these professionals are not recognised. Their benefits and not understood.

If we have to talk about such a category of professionals then ghostwriters will have to top the list because ghostwriters are needed everywhere and there are multiple benefits to hiring a ghostwriter.

Today we are going to talk about ghostbloggers, they are a special kind of ghostwriter who are extremely important in the online content space with all the same advantages of hiring ghostwriters being applicable to them.

We will talk about all the reasons why you should hire a ghostblogger and their benefits.

The reason for this is simple and it is because professional writers are needed everywhere and especially if you have an online brand.

The reason why you need ghostwriters for your online brand is because you might need a lot of original content but you also need time savings and you need professionals with research skills.

These professionals should understand flexibility and be apt in meeting deadlines. You must also need professionals that have industry knowledge and you must also make sure that these professionals are affordable and meet your expectations of cost-efficiency.

Ghostbloggers are these professionals because they will help you with increased productivity in content delivery and will help you with improved communication with your clients.

So, let us look at some of the undeniable benefits of hiring a ghostblogger.

Benefits Of Hiring a Ghostblogger

Ghostbloggers Save a Lot of Time

One of the most important reasons why people hire ghostbloggers is simply because they are going to save you a lot of time. Time is money in every business.

Let’s say for example you own an online brand and you need brand recognition and in order to do that you need a lot of content in the form of blogs.

You can go two ways and you can get someone from the company to leave their work and write blogs for you but this is not a solution because you are going to have a daily blog requirement.

That means that employee will not be able to do their actual work leading to ineffciencies in the company.

In order to solve that, you can hire someone permanently in the company but that would mean a lot of capital expenditure because you have to pay that person the same as a regular employee.

So, you need an expert because you have a lot of content requirements and you simply cannot do with a regular employee but you might not have that requirement every day so it also does not make sense to hire a ghostwriter permanently.

The only solution that you have in your hands is a ghostblogger from a reputable ghostwriting agency. They will fulfil your content needs whenever you need them. They will be out of your way when you do not need them.

When you hire the services of a ghostwriting agency you can be sure your content needs will be met because a ghostwriting agency has multiple ghostbloggers and you do not need to worry about deadlines.

Ghostbloggers Will Only Provide Quality Content

Ghostbloggers are professional writers and that means you can expect only the finest levels of content from them. You will never get amateur quality work with ghostbloggers and any kind of ghostwriter.

This means your website content and especially your blogs are going to be the best in the industry and certainly better than your competitors that hire amateurs to do the job.

The best thing about this is that the only other way to get this level of quality is to do guest posting and invite popular guest bloggers to your website. That is extremely difficult to do and then again you cannot take the credit for the content they provide.

But with ghostbloggers you can take all the credit and that is the best thing about hiring ghostwriters.

That is why you can get authentic content of the best quality and claim it as your own content written by your own team of bloggers.

Ghostbloggers Will Help You with Brand Awareness and Topical Authority

While we often write about the differences between E-Commerce businesses and physical businesses but they are also similar in a lot of ways.

Your online business will only be successful when your online brand is recognised and you have brand awareness.

You can do that by achieving topical authority in your industry. In order to understand that let us look at it with the help of an example.

Let’s say for example that you manufacture different kinds of candies and sweet products for children. The only way by which your brand is going to be recognised among the best in the candy industry is through topical authority.

Topical authority is when you have content for every kind of possible topic that can be generated in your industry. This means if someone searches for something like the recipe for marshmallow and if you have a blog with the same title then people are going to visit your website to know more about it.

This means your brand is going to be an authority on the topic of candies and everything to do with candies online because the name of your brand will pop up whenever someone asks for anything remotely similar to candy.

In order to do that you need to have a lot of content and ghostbloggers will help you with that content. You can expect a single ghostblogger to write at least 3000 words for you every day.

And if you hire the services of a ghostwriting agency then you can ask for as much content as you need every day.

You can provide them with the topics and stay assured that they write on everything related to candy and that is how you will achieve brand awareness and topical authority. Topical authority is something fundamental to SEO and we will talk more about it in our point about SEO.

Ghostbloggers Will Help You with SEO

SEO is the online equivalent of business goodwill and market authority. Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is fundamental to any online business success.

This is because if you want to achieve any degree of success online then you need to have search engines on your side.

You need search engines to display your website as the such result if a potential customer searches for something similar to your products or brand. This is the finest example of organic customer outreach online.

Search engines are only going to show your blogs or websites as the result if you have relevant content. Your websites and your content will only get a good rank if the content is worthwhile and if the content has quality according to search engines.

Search engines should also be able to identify your content in order for it to be shown as a search result. One of the ways to do it is with the help of proper keyword usage.

Ghostbloggers will not only write quality content for you and help you meet content deadlines but they will also make sure that your content has relevant keywords.

This is extremely important because keywords allow search engine crawlers to identify if a blog or any piece of content is relevant.

Using keywords is an art as well as a science and there are a lot of parameters to make sure that keyword usage is as natural as possible.

Amateurs will not understand that and they will simply dump keywords unnaturally and search engine algorithms can find that out.

That is why you need professionals in the form of ghostbloggers who will effectively and effortlessly utilise keywords in the right places that will help you with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

How Do You Get the Perfect Ghostblogger?

Understand Your Needs

The first step to finding the perfect ghostwriter is to actually understand your content needs yourself.  You need to understand your content deficiencies.

For example, if you have a coffee brand and you do not have any blogs related to different types of coffee or different roasting techniques then that means you have a content deficiency.

In order to find out your content deficiency you need to look at your competitors and see the kind of blogs that they have and if you do not have anything remotely similar then that means you need to hire a ghostblogger.

Hire A Ghostblogger

Now that you know your needs, you are ready to hire a ghostblogger and you can do it in two ways. You can get a freelance ghostblogger from a freelancing website.

When you do that you might get someone of high quality or you might get a complete amateur and the risk is not worth it.

The other thing you can do is hire the services of a ghostwriting agency because these agencies only have professionals working for them.

You might have very little content need or you might have a lot of content need and they will be able to fulfil all of that because they have multiple ghostbloggers working in a ghostwriting company.

We hope this blog has been helpful for you to understand the benefits of hiring a ghostblogger and if you are looking to hire a professional ghostblogger with excellent industry experience then we are here for you.

We are Orange Publishers and we are the only publishing company to be among pioneers of the ghostwriting industry in India with some of the finest ghostbloggers in India for all your blogging needs.

We have some of the finest ghostwriters for all your content needs whether it is traditional offline content in the form of educational ghostwriting content or movie scripts or speeches on novels or even online web content and blogs.

We welcome you to visit our website to check out everything we do and publish your dream with us as our ghostwriters get the job done in record time.

Common Ghostwritting and Ghostblogging FAQs

What is the purpose of ghostwriter?

If you have the need for quality content and if you need professionally written content within a fixed deadline that also meets your SEO expectations then you are going to need a ghostwriter.

The purpose of a ghostwriter is to write every kind of content for you whether you need to write a book or whether you need speeches or even a movie script.

Ghostwriters also do children’s book ghostwriting and technical ghostwriting. Let us do an exercise, pick up any instruction manual of any product nearby and it is probably written by a ghostwriter. That is the purpose of a ghostwriter.

Do ghost writers get money?

Yes, ghostwriters provide their services for money. The best thing about a ghostwriter is that they are going to write content for you and you can claim that content as your own.

They provide their expertise and writing skills as a service in exchange for money. While you can have other arrangements with them and pay them in company shares or something else but that is very rare and 99.9% of all ghostwriters get paid in money.

You can hire a ghostwriter and pay them according to the market rates as well as their demands and you can even negotiate their fees with them.

That is the only reason why they are not able to take any credit for the work because they are basically selling the content they are writing.

Why do companies hire writers?

Companies hire ghostwriters because they have content needs which means they need professionals that can provide them with a lot of high-quality content in a limited amount of time.

Companies need ghostwriters for technical ghostwriting which includes content for their products and they also need ghostwriters for their company website in the form of web content and blogs.

A company will also need ghostwriters for marketing content and they are also going to need ghostwriters if they need social media content.

Why should you hire a blog writer?

Ghostbloggers are a specific kind of ghostwriter whom you are going to need if you have blog content requirements.

This means if you need a professional blog writer to write you a lot of blogs for your website and you do not want it to be written by an amateur or even a guest blogger then you are going to need a ghostblogger.

They will write professional content for your website and they will provide you with that content in record time and meet deadlines. They will also make sure your blogs are keyword-rich and that your blogs actually benefit your SEO.



If you are publishing your book for the first time and if you want to publish it in paperback then you can totally do it because it is still one of the most popular mediums of book publication.

But the thing you must keep in mind is that with different types of book publishing comes different formats because paperback formatting is different from eBook formatting.

There are even different types of paperback formats. While we will not tell you how to format paperback books because you need an extensive tutorial on that but we will definitely help you with understanding the paperback book format.

You will help you understand how to set up the print edition of your softcover book. We will also give you tips about important paperback book design decisions.

These will ultimately help you in book publishing and understanding this very popular publishing format.  You will talk about all the different factors that contribute to the format such as paperback size and much more.

So, let us start this very exciting blog with the question of why would you want to publish in paperback.

Why Publish in Paperback?

People have misconceptions about the popularity of paperback books because of the rise of eBooks but there is enough data to suggest that at least 70% of all books read worldwide are paperback books.

This means paperbacks are still in popularity compared to all the other types of books including eBooks and audiobooks.

In fact, paperbacks give a kind of legitimacy to the book because if a book is printed on paper that means the book has to have some quality to it.

That is why if you are thinking of self-publishing then you should definitely choose a printed book rather than an eBook.

The reason behind this is that people simply like to hold a book and read it and like the feel of a physical book rather than looking at images on the smartphone or e-reader.

Now that we know how important printed books are we should definitely look at paperback formatting so that you might understand how to assemble your book ready for printing.

But before we do that, we still need to understand what is paperback book formatting.

What Is Paperback Book Formatting?

Paperwork formatting is called simple to understand. It is just how you need to arrange the book before it goes into publishing.

This means you need to follow a certain layout if you want the printed book to come out the way you want.

You can follow pre-determined measurements or you can try out your own measurements but you need to make sure that the book is readable and that it is comprehensible.

One of the best ways to ensure that is to format your paperback and come out with a sample. Creating a sample might feel expensive but it is much cheaper than coming out with the first batch of printed books.

Before we start with the important tips to keep in mind for paperback formatting, we to understand if there is a difference between eBook formatting and paperback formatting.

Is There Any Difference Between eBook and Paperback Formatting?

There are significant differences because you need to understand the purpose and the use case of the layout.

If we consider ebooks then you can fit the text at the centre of the page or to any kind of layout you want to because the entire page can be seen and there is no need for printing considerations.

You can even choose an ebook format where only the data of the text will be taken and it will be arranged according to the ebook platform or format.

You are not going to have that luxury with paperback formatting because you need to always keep printing restrictions in mind.

You cannot have the main body of the text in the centre because a lot of the left edge of the page will be taken up by the spine of the book.

Then there are other considerations such as the size of the page and how much of the text you should fit inside that page which also depends on the size of the book.

Important Tips to Keep in Mind While You Format Your Paperback Book?

Templates Are Always Good

People shy away from templates because they think it is amateur but in reality, you are an amateur and if the final work looks professional then it is professional.

That is why you can get hold of an unlimited number of templates online that will help you simply paste your manuscript. You might probably be using Microsoft Word and you can get a lot of templates for that or any other kind of software you use.

You can then go page by page and do basic editing to make sure you have a completed manuscript. If you do not want to use any regular word processing software then you can use something professional and you are going to have even better controls.

Then all you need is a little bit of attention in the numbering and the widows and orphans. You must also make sure that the numbering is never on the bottom or top left because it might be covered by the spine.

Trim Size Is Very Important

One of the other things that you will need to keep in mind is the trim size because it is a basic essential of book formatting and especially a paperback.

Trim size is basically the size of the book which means the length and width of the book.

There is a precise science to this because if you have a book with a higher word count then you need to pick a size that is big so that the book does not seem too thick.

But if you have a small book then you can get away with a small size. Trim size should not only look good but it should match the philosophy of the readers.

That is why you should choose something that is standard but also matches the kind of book you are writing.

You can choose a custom size but it will produce unnecessary difficulty during the printing process and that is why you can choose between a few standard sizes.

  • 5×8.5 inches
  • 229x152mm (9×6 inches)
  • 279x216mm (11×8.5 inches)

 The Front and The Back of The Book

One of the things to consider when you are formatting your book for paperback is the front and the back of the book.

While it is necessary for eBooks as well but it is much more necessary when it comes to paperback because of the traditions paperbacks follow.

The thing is, you do not start numbering the book from the first page. Page numberings are an entirely different topic that needs an entire blog but we will help you understand it in short.

There are different pages to a book and you might distribute them in sections because one section might contain the copyright as well as the acknowledgements and the contents.

Another section might contain the body of the text.

The last page or the last section might contain credits and much more.

It is usually tradition to not number the pages unless they are the primary body of the text. That is why when you paste your manuscript in the template you need to make sure that they are maintained.

Apart from that you need to keep in mind a few other things such as the headers and also make sure to repeatedly check for errors.

It might seem like a lot of work because it is actually a lot of work. If you are publishing with a traditional publisher your manuscript may even get rejected if the formatting is not correct.

If you are self-publishing and if you do not correct the formatting then most self-publishers will not correct the formatting or bother doing it on their own regard.

But you do not need to worry because we are here to help you. We are Orange Publishers and we are the one and only traditional publishing company with the accessibility and ease of use that comes with self-publishing.

With us, you do not need to worry about book formatting because all you need to do is submit the text and we will do the formatting for you. Whether it is eBooks or paperback, we do everything from copyright filing to book cover design and printing as well as publishing.

We welcome you to visit our website to check out the list of all our services and we would love to publish your dream for you.

Common Book Formatting FAQ

What are the two types of paperback books?

Well, there can be different types of paperback books but when we talk about the two most common types of paperback books then they are definitely going to be mass-market paperbacks.  These are what you commonly get in a bookstore.

And the other kind is going to be trade paperbacks. Mass-markets are bought by consumers for casual reading and tread paperbacks are usually for commercial purposes.

What size is a paperback book?

Paperbacks usually come in a few common sizes and they are often referred to as the classic sizes because of how universal they are.

However, these sizes might be different in your country or your specific book market but here they are.

  • 5×8.5 inches
  • 229x152mm (9×6 inches)
  • 279x216mm (11×8.5 inches)

What is the difference between hardcover and paperback format?

When people want us to tell the difference between paperbacks and hardcovers, we usually have a very simple definition.

A hardcover is a paperback with a cardboard cover and a sturdy spine and better-quality paper.  Hardcovers are exactly what the name suggests, a book with a hard cover which can be made of cardboard or any hard material.

What is a paperback example?

Every modern book in the world is going to have a paperback version because it is much cheaper to produce.

That is why you are more likely to see a paperback than a hardcover. They can be found everywhere from the instruction manual of your smartphone to your school textbooks.

However, if you want to find out the hardcovers then you need to bring out your old dictionary or go to a library and look at important classic books.


Publishing is a science as well as an art and there are a lot of things book publishers need to understand and keep in mind when they create books.

Today we are going to talk about something very significant and reliable and something that is so obvious that we tend to ignore it for its simplicity and accuracy because it just works.

Today we are going to talk about proper book pagination. We are going to talk about book numbering techniques that professional publishers utilise.

There are many unwritten rules in pagination that are just passed down to subsequent generations of publishers for centuries and these are tips for numbering pages in books.

We will try to bring out those pagination strategies for authors. This is so that you can not only understand and get the best page numbering advice for books.

But it is also because you can actually utilize these book layout and numbering tips for self-publishing your book.

We would not suggest you start self-publishing your book based on just this blog alone because we would also recommend you to look at a few book formatting and numbering guides.

But this will be a very good starting point for you to understand chapter numbering in novels and page numbering in books in general.

So, let us look at tips for accurate book pagination.

Key Tips for Numbering Book Pages

The Odd-Even Rule

While this is not a rule but it is something so common that we can call it a rule. We are talking about the recto and the verso. While you can use any kind of creative book page numbering but this is something standard.

If you open a book then the sheet of paper on the right-hand side will be called the recto and the left-hand side or the back of the sheet will be called a verso.

The right-hand side is usually given an odd number which means the recto is always given an odd number and the left-hand side or the verso is given an even number.

But you must also keep in mind that this is only for left-to-right books. If the book is written in a language that is right to left then it can change.

It is a tradition carried on for centuries where recto comes from Rectum and means right in Latin. Verso comes from versus, which means to turn or change and means the other side of the sheet.

This rule also means it becomes much easier to start a new chapter from the right side of an open book which looks good in general. This is one of the most important tips for accurate book pagination.

Differently Numbered Pages

If you want to do proper page numbering then you should not only know how to number the page but you should also know which pages you should not number.

You must also know which pages should not contain the typical Arabic numerals but Roman numerals.

  • Let us start from the beginning as we come to the title page and it should not have any kind of numbering.
  • That is followed by the copyright page and you should not number that as well.
  • If you plan on having a dedication page where you dedicate the book to someone then you should avoid numbering that as well.
  • After that we come to the quotation page which is followed by a blank page and both of these pages should not be numbered. No blank pages should ever be numbered.
  • That is followed by the contents or the index. You do not necessarily have to put a number but if you do decide to give it a number then it should be Roman numerals and not Arabic numerals.
  • Then you can start the book but you might want to add a preface or foreword and you should also number it with Roman numerals. But you should only do it if you use Roman numerals in the index.
  • After that, we come to the body of the text which should be in Arabic numerals with odd numbers on the right side and even numbers being on the left side.
  • After the body of the text, you can then have the acknowledgement but you should number it in Arabic numerals as well.
  • And finally, we come to the notes which should also be numbered in Arabic numerals.

Page Number Placement

Now we come to the page number placement which is one of the other important factors that you must always keep in mind.

But before we tell you page number placement there is a simple rule that you must keep in mind. You must never place page numbers on the upper or lower left-hand side of the margin.

This means you must never place page numbers near the spine of the book. There is a chance that it might be covered inside the spine. And even if it is not covered it does not look nice.

  • If you want to go with the traditional way of doing things then you can place the page numbers bottom centre. This can be done 1 inch below the body of the text. But you must maintain the dimensions on every page and maintain uniformity.
  • Or you can place the page numbers on the bottom right-hand side of the page. While this is not as common as the bottom-centred approach but it is still a good way to put the numbers.

In fact, this is a better way of doing it since the numbers are much more visible and legible.

  • Then there is the upper right-hand corner approach. You can do this as well and there is nothing wrong with this.

But if you plan on doing something like upper-centred then that is kind of unusual but it is your book and you can do whatever you want.

Just that you should not place the numbers on the upper or lower left-hand side because it can cause issues during printing and after print.

Page Number Font

Now we are going to talk about something that is very subjective and it all depends on what you like and what you do not like. We will talk about page number fonts.

  • If you want to do it completely traditionally then you probably have chosen the lower-cantered approach for the number placement

That means you will love Times New Roman. It is one of the most classic Sherif fonts out there and you can use it on practically any kind of book if you want to number it.

  • If you want to give it a modern taste then you can use something like Nunito Sans. It is very legible and minimalist.
  • If you are writing fantasy or about the Middle Ages where the novel is set in older times then you can use something that is beyond classic which is Baskerville.
  • And if you want a no-fuzz approach then Arial is always there to help you because it is one of the most common fonds used for page numbering.
  • Let’s say if you are writing science fiction then we can only think about a very distinctive fond which is going to be Roboto.
  • If you are writing a dystopian novel such as 1984 then we got to just the perfect font for you which is going to be Bitter.
  • If you are going to write something Sci-Fi and the novel is set in the future then the best font for it is going to be something like JetBrains Mono.
  • If you do not want all these options anyone to keep it classic then we always have the trustee and dependable as well as elegant Cormorant Garamond.

It is going to be just the perfect kind of font if you are writing a detective novel such as Sherlock Holmes. It will fit right in with the Victorian landscape and setting.

We can go on and on about the different fonts you can use and as much as you like it we do not want to bore you with different choices.

The thing about fonts is that they are very personal and it all depends on what you like. All you have to do is pick up a few books of the same genre as your book and find out what fonts they are using.

But that is going to be the safe option. It is your book and if you want to use a wacky font that is unique and never used before then you are completely free to do it because you are self-publishing the book.

But stay away from Comic Sans.

We hope this blog has been helpful for you to know a little bit more about page numbering. Pagination is something that is seen as very trivial but it is something very important.

You need to have a basic understanding of book formats in order to get it right. But if you are someone who simply does not have the time to do all that and you simply want to submit your manuscript to be published then we are here for you.

We are Orange Publishers and we are the fastest growing and most popular book publishing company in India. We have the most streamlined publishing process where you simply send us the manuscript and we will do everything else.

We will do the page numbering and we will do the book cover design and the book formatting as well as the printing and the copyright and everything else in-house. We even do the distribution and book promotion as well.

We welcome you to visit our website and check out everything we do and we would love to get in touch with you

Common Pagination FAQs

What does it mean to number the pages of a book?

Numbering the pages of a book is very important and in fact, they serve very important purposes.

One of the most important technical benefits of having page numbers is during printing. When a book is being printed and then organised together, it must be in the correct order.

The quickest way to make sure that a book is in the correct order is to look at the page numbers.

The second most important thing is that it helps readers keep track of how much they have read the book. If you think about it, a novel cannot be read in a single day. That is why the readers can note down the page number and continue.

It is basically a navigation tool that helps the publishers as well as the readers and even the author when they are writing the book.

And if that book is studied by students then the page numbers are going to act as a reference for scholarly work.

What are the rules for page numbering?

There are no formal rules but there are certain things that have been practiced for so long that they have become standardised in the publishing industry.

One of the rules is that odd-numbered pages should be on the right and side and even numbers should be on the left side when you are numbering a book.

You must also make sure that the Arabic numeral numbering starts from the first page of chapter 1 of the book and not from the title page or the contents page.

You must also make sure that the numbering of the pages should be at the top or the bottom centre or right-hand side. Numbering is not done on the top or bottom left-hand side because that can get hidden by the spine during assembly.

How do you give numbering to the page?

The simplest way to do it is by using software. You are probably going to write the book on a computer or a laptop and not write it freehand or on a typewriter.

That means you will have the advantage of using professional grade book writing and formatting software.

While you can write the book on anything from Google Docs to Microsoft Word, you can then format it on any kind of book editor such as Vellum or Reedsy Book Editor.

You can even use a very popular writing software that is used by a lot of authors which is called Scrivener.

If you want the best layout and typesetting tools used by professionals in publishing companies then you can use Adobe InDesign. Although there might be a learning curve.


Welcome to this blog where we bring you a list of the top 10 book publishers in Lucknow. Lucknow is a culturally significant location with amazing publishing houses that do excellent work.

That is why if you are looking for publishing houses in Lucknow then you do not into search a lot because you will get deeply rooted traditional companies all over the area.

A lot of publishing companies in Lucknow are based in Lucknow and we will definitely include them in the list.

However, we will also include the names of top book publishers in Lucknow that sell the most copies and have a very good hold on book publication in Lucknow.

This list will be in a gradual order consisting of miscellaneous as well as educational book publishers in Lucknow with the best being at the top and gradually going down.

Having said that we must also tell you that this list of book publishing companies in Lucknow is completely our opinion and you might have a different opinion on which is the best.

So, let us look at the best publishing houses in Lucknow and find out which is the best-suited publisher for you.

Top 10 Book Publishing Companies in Lucknow

Orange Publishers


At number one on the list, we have Orange Publishers because they are simply the best when it comes to taking care of the Lucknow book market.

They provide the reliability of traditional publishers coupled with the modernity and convenience of self-publishing companies.

They have been in the publishing industry for decades and they have an excellent foothold at producing nearly every kind of book and that includes educational book publishing to literary books of every kind.

When we talk about the best publishing houses in Lucknow their name comes up simply because they understand the market and know how to provide the best kind of service at the best rates.

They have a very well-connected distribution network and along with that, they manage to keep everything affordable because all their operations are in-house.

They are trusted by bestselling authors but are also equally trusted by first-time authors simply because they are approachable and you can reach out to them and expect to hear back. We cannot say that for all the names in the list.

They are also one of the finest when it comes to novel publishers in Lucknow and have produced bestsellers.

So, if you want the most reliable option in Lucknow then you can definitely go for Orange Publishers.

Website – https://orange-publishers.com/

Contact Number – +91-9830050132 | +91-9830330809

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – Ground Floor, 98, 37-A, Gopal Lal Tagore Road, Sarat Kanan Pally, Nainan Para, Baranagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700036

New Royal Book Company

New Royal Book Company

The second name on our list is also a legacy book publishing company in Lucknow that has a very good reputation when it comes to educational book publishing.

They have been in the industry for decades and they are a trusted name when it comes to book publishing in Lucknow.

However, the reason why they are at number two is simply because they are more aligned towards educational book publishing.

While they do other kinds of books from tourism to arts and culture and much more but they are experts at publishing books for universities.

They are experts at what they do and if you are a scholar planning on publishing your book and research papers then they are the best choice for you.

Website – https://nrbc.in/index.html

Contact Number – +91 904 4343434 / +91 955 9992467

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – 1st Floor, Shah Trade Centre
32/16, Valmiki Marg, Lalbagh
Lucknow – 226 001

Book Rivers

Book Rivers

At number three we do not have a legacy publishing company like the two before but we have a new company that is slowly but surely rising up the ranks.

They are a self-publishing company primarily and they do not do any kind of traditional publishing. This is one of the reasons why they are at number three and also the fact that they do not have all the experience in the world.

If you keep that aside then they are pretty solid when it comes to providing very high-quality book publishing services.

There are several reasons why you can definitely opt for them and one of the reasons is that they do all the additional things apart from book publishing such as book cover designing as well as providing services like editing as well as promotion and even distribution.

While the other two options on our list also do that but it is still worth mentioning because a few names in our list do not provide these additional services.

It is quite easy to publish with them and all you need to do is to contact them and then choose something that is good for you and they will take care of the rest.

You can definitely choose them to publish your book.

Website – https://www.bookrivers.com/

Contact Number – 9695375469

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – HN 22 Kanchan Nagar Kalyanpur Lucknow UP

Orange Books

Orange Books

Not to be confused with Orange Publishers, they are a relatively new publishing company that does self-publishing.

They are at number four because they are quite affordable and that is why they are always able to capture a good bit of the market.

That does not mean they do not provide good quality services because they provide a good level of quality and they also have a relatively big distribution network.

They are among the new-age self-publishing companies that do not make you wait a long time before you can avail of their services.

All you have to do is contact them and they will do the rest for you. They are also among the few names in the list apart from Orange Publishers which actively promote ebooks and have a very good quality of service when it comes to publishing digitally.

While they are new in the market but you can definitely give them a try.

Website – https://www.orangebooks.in/

Contact Number –  +91-8109645082

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – Smriti Nagar, Bhilai
Chhattisgarh – 490020

Arihant Books

Arihant Books

At number five we have a legacy book publishing company that has been in the national book scene for a long time and is probably one of the most popular book publishers in Lucknow.

But you might be thinking why would such a prominent name be at number five and the only reason is that they only publish a particular type of book.

They only publish educational books but when it comes to educational books, they are the leading name in Lucknow.

They do everything from school curriculum books to books for competitive exams as they publish engineering as well as medical books and much more.

They are favourites among educational institutions and students preparing to crack a difficult exam.

That is why if you have such a requirement then they are the perfect publishers for you.

Website – https://www.arihantbooks.com/

Contact Number –  +91-11-40546380

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – 4577/15, Daryaganj, New Delhi, Delhi 110002

Gita Press

Gita Press

Add number six we have something of a legend and probably the most popular book publisher not just in Lucknow but in the whole of India.

They are legendary when it comes to publishing and they sell millions of copies of books, they do not even need a marketing team. They are not a self-publishing company because they only publish epics.

While this is primarily a list of English book publishers but we have decided to keep such a legendary name in the list just because of the impact they have in Lucknow.

But that also means that we couldn’t keep them at number one because that would not go with the topic of the blog so as a tribute with decided to place them at number six.

You can check out all the fantastic work they do in bringing important religious books to every home.

Website – https://www.gitapress.org/

Contact Number – +91-8188054403

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – Gita Press, P.O. Gita Press, Gorakhpur (273005), Uttar Pradesh, India

BFC Publications

BFC Publications

At number seven we have a unique publishing company that specialises in not just publishing a certain kind of genre but specialises in a particular type of author.

They encourage new authors and they are an excellent choice for new authors to publish their book.

They are on this list because they have managed to find a real problem and also a solution for it.

This is because the real problem that we are talking about is publishing anxiety and that can happen with any new author because they might not know much about the publishing industry.

That is why they have the best approach when it comes to encouraging new authors. They will help you and guide you throughout the process and be extra helpful so that you can publish your first book with them.

You can definitely try them out.

Website – https://bfcpublications.com/

Contact Number – +91-5223514141

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – CP-61, Viraj Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, 226010.

Vandana Publications

Vandana Publications

The beautiful thing about Lucknow is that it is the perfect location to be if you want to find some of the best educational book publishers.

That is why we have a very reputable name at number eight because they do every kind of educational book publishing.

Along with that they also do motivational book publishing and especially books related to different social issues and economic challenges.

While they do not publish any other kind of books other than books for universities and colleges as well as societies and institutions but the thing they do, they do it very well.

This is the kind of publication you can trust because they do not try and be the jack of all trades and master of none but they rather focus on a single area and shine.

They are one of the most popular educational book publishing names in Lucknow and you can definitely contact them for all your publication needs.

Website – https://www.vandanapublications.com/

Contact Number – 0522-4108552 / +91-9696045327

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – 78/77, New Ganesh Ganj, Opp. Rajdhani Hotel, Aminabad Road, Lucknow-226018, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Shristi Publishers

Shristi Publishers

Add number nine we have a very new and a very passionate and young publishing house. They represent the new youth in the world of publishing.

While they are not the biggest name in Lucknow but they are certainly something to look out for and they will definitely be a proper name in the years to come.

They are dedicated to publishing books for the youth and it is not just limited to the topics of the book but also to affordability thereby creating books that youth can actually afford.

This means that they publish on a variety of topics because youth love different kinds of topics.  However, one thing that is definitely striking and unique about them is that they focus on stories.

They bring the stories of youth into the limelight and that is truly something we should celebrate. They are in fact quite popular among the youth in Lucknow.

You can definitely reach out to them for all your publishing needs.

Website – https://www.srishtipublishers.com/

Contact Number – 011-41751981

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – Srishti Publishers & Distributors 212-A, Peacock Lane, Shahpur Jat, New Delhi – 110049

Lotus Publishers

Lotus Publishers

And finally, at number ten we have yet another educational book publishing company. They are at number ten because they do something very specific in the world of educational publishing.

They focus on certain streams of education and certain subjects and they publish everything related to that subject.

For example, they have a very comprehensive list of books for B.Sc. Nursing. They do a very good job that is very specific.

That is why we have decided to include them in the list since they only do paramedical books for the most part and while they do not publish anything else but what they do is at the top of the line.

They are in fact the most popular choice for paramedical books in Lucknow and we recommend them if you have such a specific need.

Website – https://www.lotuspublishers.com/

Contact Number – (+91) 82838 10505 / (+91) 98155 39393

Contact Email – [email protected]

Address – 50, BDA Enclave, Pathankot Chowk, Jalandhar City, Punjab – 144004

Book Publishing


We hope this blog helps you choose the perfect publisher for yourself in Lucknow and it is definitely quite important to choose the perfect publisher. That is why we would suggest you read this blog and check out all the details to make a better choice.

And if you decide to choose us at Orange Publishers then we would be honoured and privileged to work with you in publishing the book of your dreams.


If you are a new author and you are new to publishing then this is the perfect blog for you because we are going to talk about common self-publishing mistakes to avoid.

We all make mistakes but mistakes can get costly when it comes to self-publishing because they will increase the publishing time by a lot and simply be more work for the publishers.

That is why you should know what mistakes to avoid when submitting your book so that you can not make those major publishing mistakes.

We won’t actually call these self-publishing blunders because mistakes can happen because you might not know it and it is very easy avoiding self-publishing pitfalls.

Having said that, author mistakes in self-publishing are not that common because authors generally do the research and that is exactly why this blog will help you with that research.

So, here are the most common self-publishing mistakes and how to avoid them. If you do not avoid them now then these will become common self-publishing problems.

Common Self-Publishing Mistakes and Solutions

Lack Of Proper Research

One of the most common self-published book mistakes is when the author does not do proper research before submitting the manuscript.

We understand that you might be excited about submitting your manuscript but in that excitement, people submit it too soon without understanding the submission guidelines.

There are certain things that authors should know and these can be even called self-publishing best practices because they are followed by everyone in the industry.

You can get to know the best practices if you look at any tips for successful self-publishing online because these are universal.

They will help you create the perfect book proposal and even the perfect manuscript submission.

But if you submit it too soon then while it might not get rejected like in the case of traditional publishing but you will have to go back and forth with the self-publisher a lot of times.

This will ultimately cost you a lot of time. That is why if you ask any author about self-publishing advice then they will tell you to sit down and just breathe in and breathe out and read the guidelines.

Not Understanding the Audience

One of the other mistakes authors make is that they make wrong decisions when they are submitting the manuscript.

We are not talking about anything related to the submission but we are talking about a few decisions that authors usually have to take when they finalize the deal with the self-publisher.

The thing is that it is not just as simple as submitting your manuscript and letting the self-publisher do the rest.

You will have to have your say on different matters and one of the most important matters is going to be the type of medium you want for your book.

There are so many mediums out there such as paper as well as ebooks and even audiobooks.  But in order to do this you should have a thorough understanding of your audience.

If your audience consists of tech-savvy professionals who simply do not have the time to read a physical book then you should publish your book in audiobook format.

If your readers like to stay classic then you should publish your book in paperback as well as hardcover versions.

And if you do not want to spend a lot of money in the production process then you should invest in ebook versions.

It all depends on your situation and what is going to work for you. This is a prime example of common self-publishing challenges.

Fast Incomplete Editing

If you want to know important self-publishing errors to avoid then this is going to be the number one error that you should not make.

You should never take shortcuts when it comes to the editing of the book because editing is one of the most crucial steps before submitting a manuscript.

This is because it can be a blunder for your book and we will help you understand why.

You should either not edit the manuscript and then ask the publisher to do it for you, or you should completely edit the manuscript.  There should be nothing in between.

This is because if you tell the publisher that you have edited the manuscript but in actuality, you haven’t spent time on it then the publisher will not sit down with you for editing and it will get published.

That is why you should take extra time in doing the editing process. Editing is not just about checking for punctuation errors which can be done with simple software.

Editing is much more deep and it is about deciding important elements of the manuscript. If you decide to skip this part then you will have a faulty published copy in your hands and it will take twice the amount to recall copies and destroy them.

Then again it is impossible to delete print books after publishing.

Skipping Book Cover Design

When you are planning on self-publishing your book, you can choose between two kinds of approaches, the hands-on approach or the hands-off approach.

In the hands-on approach, you are the one who is going to decide everything and the publishing company will be there to fulfil all your wishes. It is when you will do the editing or you will sit with the editor during the editing process.

It is also when you decide on the book cover design and have your own artist create it for you or even create it yourself. This is a very good way of doing things but it is not usually done in self-publishing.

This is because when people self-publish, they simply do not have the time for all this and they want the publisher to take care of everything.

That is why if you plan on having a book cover design of your own but do not add it to the submission then you will have to rely on the publishing company.

Maybe they will get the book cover design correct but if you really want your design to be on the book then you should not skip it.

We would suggest you to do it yourself because the book cover is one of the most crucial parts of your book and it is the first thing that readers are going to see.

Don’t Take Shortcuts with The Synopsis

There are some things you should not skip when it comes to submitting your book and one of the most important things is going to be the synopsis.

The mistake new authors make is that they do not spend time writing the synopsis or what is commonly known as the blurb.

Sometimes new authors get reminded by the publishing company to write the synopsis and that is where the problem happens.

Authors try to do it quickly and they mess up writing the synopsis. That is why whenever you are planning on submitting your manuscript you should not do it without the synopsis.

You should make sure to read other blurbs before writing yours so that you can get a better idea about it because it is the first thing people will read after they open the book.

You should also keep in mind important things such as the hook because without the hook there is no need for a synopsis. You should also not take up a lot of space because synopsis is not something that should be big.

Not Setting the Stage

You should not get confused when we tell you about setting the stage because it is one of the other important things you should do before you plan on submitting the book or even publishing it.

We are talking about setting the stage so that your book performs well in the market. The only way you can do that is to build a brand behind your name before the book even goes into publication.

If you decide to publish a book without any market demand then your books will not sell as many copies as you want.

That is why you should start building your online brand months or even years before publishing the book. You should create a community and you should build a fan base.

You should make sure that you are present on all relevant social media platforms and that you are active on all those platforms.

You should also invest in a professional website that will help your fans get all the details and even get exclusive discounts.

After you have set the stage you can then move on to submitting your manuscript and eventually publishing your book.

This will be the most favourable way of publishing your book and you can have an assurance of success.

Here Is Why We Are the Best for New Authors.

There are a lot of things you must keep in mind before you submit your book for publishing and it might be very overwhelming for someone who is doing this for the first time.

If you are a new author you might find it quite difficult to keep track of everything that we just said and much more.

That is why we are here for you because we are Orange Publishers and we are one of the most reputed publishing companies in India. We bring you the quality of traditional publishing and the convenience of self-publishing together.

That is why you simply have to contact us and we will walk you through the entire process of submitting your manuscript.

We will perform the entire checklist with you and will ask you about everything from the editing to the book cover design and note down your decisions.

We will include you in every creative decision whether it is the quality of the paper or the book promotion strategy. We do everything in-house and that includes the book cover designing as well as the printing and publishing and even the copyright and much more.

We welcome you to check out everything we do on our website and we would love to publish your dream project.


The impact of Amazon on E-Commerce is undeniable. You might be a seller of products or you might be an author self-publishing your book but you need Amazon beside you.

You need an influence in Amazon and you need Amazon reviews. Reviews are extremely important if you want to publish your book on Amazon because book reviews are legitimacy.

Unlike a physical bookstore where buyers can see which book is popular and which book people are getting, there is no way to know that on Amazon and that is why Amazon reviews matter.

Amazon reviews are so important that even if you have the best Amazon book promotion with a lot of capital investment, you will not see Amazon book sales without any reviews.

Today we are going to find out the importance of book reviews so that you can understand how to utilise those reviews and have a better understanding of how book publishing works on Amazon.

Here Is Why Amazon Book Reviews Are Important

Best Kind of Legitimacy

If you want to know the importance of reviews for book promotion and selling your book on Amazon then all you need to do is to listen to this line.

Reviews provide legitimacy.

Reviews are among the very few ways by which readers can genuinely understand if something is good or not.

This is not just the case when it comes to books but for everything on Amazon. Reviews help people understand that people are actually buying something because reader feedback is just like talking to another customer in a physical Store.

People have inherent doubts when they see any product with no reviews or pictures and just ratings. That is why reviews in the form of written reader feedback are important.

Reviews are not just going to be perfect and you will hardly get 5 stars and if your book is really good then you are mostly going to get 4 stars. But that will be even better for consumer trust.

One of the best ways in which you can gain legitimacy is if the reviews have attached pictures or videos. And there is going to be a tag of verified purchase which will further improve their confidence.

Foundation For Book Promotion

Book promotions actually work on Amazon because people actually click on sponsored products if they are searching for something similar.

But Amazon book reviews are important for promotion because when people click on promoted items and find no reviews then that is not good for trust.

But if you combine both of them then they work amazingly together. This is because if people find something sponsored with good ratings and click on it and find actual reviews by actual humans then nothing can be better than that.

That is why you must always try and get genuine reviews to back the book promotion and generating book reviews should be part of your book marketing strategy.

No Shortcuts on Amazon

The thing about Amazon is that if you try to finesse fake reviews on Amazon then you can say goodbye to your author reputation on Amazon.

This is because Amazon spends millions and billions on trying to counter fake reviews so that people cannot just get reviews artificially planted on the product page.

That means it is nearly impossible to get reviews for money and even if you do, the algorithm is going to spot it and it can even ban the book and the listing.

That is why reviews are so legitimate because they cannot be manipulated and that is why if you want author success then you can only do that by legitimate means.

Now that we know the importance of Amazon book reviews in the publishing industry, let us understand how you can actually get reviews in a legitimate way.

The techniques that are about to be mentioned might be applicable for other forms of online shopping and products in a limited way but they are mostly relevant for books on Amazon.

Tips To Get Legitimate Book Reviews on Amazon

The Easiest Way Is to Ask

If you want to know how to get book reviews then the first and the easiest way to do it is to just ask your readers for reviews.

If you are a new author and you just want to become successful on Amazon then the most direct way would be to simply mention that in the book. This is applicable for paperbacks as well as e-books.

You can dedicate a single page at the end of your book to leave a review if the reader has liked the book. You can even mention the fact that they can leave a review even if they do not like the book.

The thing about reviews is that it is like publicity because negative publicity is also publicity. That is why it is always better to get a few 3-star reviews rather than getting no reviews.

Tap Into Your Fan Network

One of the other things you can do is utilise your fan network because it is going to be one of the most effective ways of getting reviews.

This is in fact so effective that every other no matter how big or small the author is, they utilise their fan network to get legitimate reviews on their product listings.

If you do not have a fan network then all you need to do is create your fan network before you publish your book on Amazon.

Creating a fan network is straightforward because you need to be active on social media and you need to put out regular content relating to the book and your book-writing journey.

In fact, If you want to create a fan network then you literally need to become an influencer if you do not have a fan network already.

You can then ask your fans for reviews. But you must make sure to not ask anyone to give good reviews or anything like that.

You must always play by the books when it comes to Amazon and you must simply ask them to provide reviews and explain to them why it is important.

Book Influencers Are a Good Option

If you want to be successful online then there are two ways of doing so and one is to become an influencer and the other is to take the help of an influencer.

This is true for everything whether it is tech products or whether it is a book because there are influences for everything.

That is why you must create a list of influential book influences that deal with the kind of genre your work is about.

Then you must contact them but there is something important you must keep in mind. You must stay away from influencers who ask for money as compensation.

You must only approach genuine influences that are honest about their work and you can of course send them every copy of your book and even your merchandise.

You can even send them a few copies if they want to do a giveaway. But you must never send them money because that is not a genuine way of getting reviews.

Then you must request them to tell their subscribers to leave a review on Amazon if they like the book.  You will get visibility and also genuine reviews.

Personal Network Is Always Reliable

If you find the difficult to cultivate any kind of network and if you are feeling lost on how you should get proper book reviews then there is something very reliable.

We are talking about your personal network and when we say personal network we mean your network of family and friends.

It can also be your network of colleagues and fellow writers whom you have met online or through the publishing process.

It can even be asking the people you met at any walk of life and you have a good connection with.

You should ask these kinds of reliable people to get your book and perhaps you can even refund them the money once they buy the book from Amazon as a gift.

You can then ask them to put in an honest review of the book and you should tell them to be honest. This is very important.

It is because if you tell them to put in good reviews then it will get flagged by the algorithm as dishonest and that is why it is important to always ask people for genuine reviews whenever they are posting reviews.

Create A Concrete Marketing Strategy

You must understand that getting more reviews is an outcome of an action and not the action itself because the more people are going to see your work the more people are going to buy it and leave reviews.

Those reviews will then generate more interest in your book leading to more people buying it and it is going to be an upward cycle of success.

That is why in order to continue the cycle of success you need to start it in the first place and the first place that you should focus on is a solid marketing strategy.

That marketing strategy should include any and everywhere by which you draw attention to your book.

You can do a lot of things but one of the simplest things you can do this to introduce deals and cut prices.

That will help the algorithm promote the listing and it will definitely help your book get noticed more.

However, your marketing strategy should not only consist of deals and promotions but ads as well. You should create a strategy and divide your marketing strategy into parts.

These should be divided into different platforms based on priority levels so that you can promote the book on all platforms possible.

Blogging Is Never Out Of Fashion

Blogging is just as effective today as it was a couple of years back and that is why you should never discount the idea of promoting your book through blogging.

You can do that by two approaches and one would be to simply create your own blogging website and do the blogging yourself on relevant topics and create a reader base big enough to promote your book.

But if you have already published the book and you are reading this blog then it is no use doing it because it will take months to establish a proper reader base.

That is why the second thing you can do would simply be to do guest posting and request admins of different blogging websites so that they can publish your blog.

There are several blogging websites that promote authors of new books and you should try out those blogging websites.

You can also hire content writers to create promotional material for you because you might not have the time to do it yourself.

Your ultimate aim should be to reach as many blogging websites as possible so that the name of your book is synonymous with the genre online.

Editorial Reviews Help A lot

Editorial reviews are one of the most prominent kinds of reviews and are not written by regular customers because they are written by Amazon editors.

They have a different kind of certification and their reviews hold much more weight than the average kind of reviews.

This is because these reviews stay on top of every other review and can be seen highlighted among all the other types of reviews.

Sometimes editorial reviewers are part of established publications. Build connections with these reviews if you can, it would be the best-case scenario.

However, it is easier said than done because getting editorial reviews is one of the hardest things to do.

But if you manage to do it then your book is certainly going to be ahead of the competition when it comes to a particular genre.

We hope this blog has been helpful for you to understand why Amazon reviews are so important and why you should definitely spend time and resources in order to get reviews.

Amazon reviews might seem difficult for you because they actually are but you do not need to worry about that with us because we are here to help you.

We are Orange Publishers and we are the fastest-growing and most popular book publishers in India and we do everything in-house. That includes the printing to the publishing as well as the promotion and the marketing strategy.

We even do the copyright for our authors. We welcome you to visit our website to check out everything that we do.


Today we are going to talk about something very interesting because we will be talking about book translation rights and everything you need to know about them.

We will understand this nuanced concept of translation licencing when it comes to publishing rights.  And we will ultimately understand what it means to translate your books so that they can reach a global audience.

This blog is going to be very important for you if you are in the publishing industry and even more important if you are an author who plans on understanding more about author rights.

So, make some coffee and grab is seat because we are going to go on this amazing journey of understanding international publishing rights and publishing contracts when it comes to book translation.

In order to have more clarity on translation permissions and licensing deals we need to understand how global rights or foreign rights work.

Global Or Foreign Rights Simplified

Before we get into the concept of translation rights, we will need to understand the concept of foreign rights which is the presenting and acquisition of rights for books to be published in a different country.

In order to understand this, you must understand that there is a primary rights holder which can be the author of the publishing company or both in some capacity.

Now you will have to think of rights as currency because the author or the publishing house holds it in the first place which they can then transfer and others can make that rights acquisition and sell translated books in a new marker.

That is why let us break down the rights holders into different categories for simple understanding.

Rights Holder A

This is the primary rights holder which can be the author or the publisher or even both of them. They hold the rights to the publication of the book.

And it does not matter whether the book is being published in a domestic market or globally. That is why they hold the copyright licencing. Which means they also have the right to give away the publishing rights.

This giving away of publishing rights can be as a part of a rights agreement deal perpetually or for a limited time.

This means the rights holder A can give away the rights of publication to some other publisher in a different country for a limited time or perpetually.

Rights Holder B

Now that we know the primary rights holder, we also know that they can transfer these rights for publication to a different publisher in a different country.

But we must understand why they need to do this because they can simply publish that book and sell copies of that book in that country.

The transfer of rights is done when there is a need for translation. For example, a Hindi book publisher in India will not directly sell their Hindi book in Germany.

That is why they have to work with a German publisher to translate that book into German. But you might say that the Hindi book publisher can simply bring out a German translation and sell it in Germany.

But that is very difficult because a single publisher will never have the network and the market to publish a book in a foreign market and that is why they need to work with the foreign publisher.

This is usually done through translation agreements and the transfer of rights. These transfers of rights are in a limited capacity.

This means if you take the example of the Hindi book publisher, they can sell German rights to German Publishers with agreements that the German publisher will publish that book only in Germany.

The Hindi book publisher can then sell French translation rights to a French publisher so that it can be published in France.

We can even see cases where Rights Holder B might sell their publishing rights to someone else but there should be provision for the transfer in the initial agreement between Rights Holder A and B.

This might seem very complicated because it is actually complicated and there are a lot of contracts and agreements and a lot of lawyers involved in the process when it comes to global publishing rights.

That is why there are special professionals whose job is to make sure these publishing rights are transferred correctly and they just do one simple thing which is managing foreign rights. We call them foreign rights agents.

However, before we talk about foreign rights agents and other important ideas like translation royalties and licensing, we need to understand the various kinds of foreign rights.

Here Are the Various Kinds of Foreign Rights

Geographical Rights

One of the most common and one of the most popular types of global rights can be in the form of geographical rights or territorial rights.

This is because they are easy to manage and they are very simple to understand even for a person who is not in the publishing industry.

Geographical rights are when those rights are classified and limited to a few countries or a single country.

For example, if you are a publisher and you want to publish your book in France then you can sell territorial rights to a French publishing company which will be a limited right only allowing them to sell in France.

Translation Rights

Then there is the famous translation right which is also a limited right and does not allow for unlimited sharing and selling of the book.

This means you can give rights to a particular publisher to sell the translation of a book. Sometimes the translation rights, which are sometimes called language rights, can be combined with territorial rights.

This means you are going to get a hybrid system where, for example, if you want to sell your book in France in the French language then you can sell territorial and language rights to a French publisher.

This will give exclusive rights to the French publisher to publish your book in France but they can only do that in French language after it has been translated.

This means that if the publisher decides to publish that book in France in any other language other than French then it is going to be a violation of that right.

Similarly, there are different types of global rights and they are often combined with translation rights such as audio rights which might be the case when you need to combine audio rights with translation rights as well as geographical rights.

By now you probably understand that this can be a very complex issue and especially because book copyrights and rights are quite different depending on the country.

It is impossible to do all the paperwork and all the legalities without having a deep understanding of that country’s market and laws.

That is where we come to the concept of foreign rights agents, let us understand who they are and what they do.

Foreign Agents and The Role They Play

When we talk about foreign agents, they can be individual people or they can even be a company that specializes in translation rights and international rights.

The simplest way to explain what they do is to say that they make sure you do not have to do anything when it comes to translation rights because they will take care of everything for you.

This means when you have issues with translation rights you can approach these professionals and they will help you negotiate the best deals with the most appropriate publishers for your kind of book.

They have extensive experience in handling translation rights and they also have a very good network of publishers and editors from different countries.

Now you might think that things might be a little bit cheaper for you if you do it yourself and try to find the publisher but that is actually not the case.

This is because you are going to spend a considerable amount of time and money trying to find the best publisher because you will have to do market research for that international market yourself.

Then again you might not find the best-suited candidate for your book and the deal might not be very favourable to you.

But if you take the help of a foreign agent then they can ensure you get the best deal because it is their reputation on the line and that is exactly what they do.

They are agents that take care of all the legal documents and agreements but they are also consultants which means they are going to give you very important advice.

They might charge for the contract which is usually the most common method of remuneration but they might also have other payment options.

Other Options to Explore – Amazon

We have been talking about the most traditional way of doing things because they are smooth and refined and you will not face any difficulty in them.

But if you are someone who is self-publishing and you do not want to go through this fiasco of tying up with a foreign publisher then you can explore other options.

One of the simplest things you can do is to hire a translator in your own country but that might not give you the best results. You can also get a native translator from freelancing websites.

It will be a lot cheaper for you than going through an entire book deal with a foreign publisher.  But the one thing you must keep in mind is quality control. Quality control will not be an issue if you have to deal with a foreign publisher.

The other thing you can do once you have the translated copy is to publish it differently under the translated name so that there is no confusion.

You can publish your book on Amazon and it is not very difficult to do and you can even get in touch with an Amazon executive so that they can help you explain how to publish your book for an international market.

It is much easier to do if your book is only available in eBook (Kindle) and audiobook (Audible) versions because then you do not have to ship copies of your book and it will be cheaper for you and the readers.

The best option would be Amazon because Amazon operates in nearly every country out there and it will also be easy for you to promote your translated book in that foreign market.

The best thing about this method is that there is no complex translation rights agreement and it will be just like publishing your book on Amazon in your own country.

The Royalty Structure for Translated Books

Things can seem a little bit complicated when we bring in royalties because with book rights you must also consider the factor of book royalties.

But it is simple to understand because there is no standardised way of doing this and it depends on the deal you have signed with the foreign publisher.

If you have not signed a deal with the foreign publisher and you have just hired a translator to do the translation then that translator might also be entitled to royalties.

It all depends on what they agree on but if you decide to hire a very established translator who understands the concept and has a good hold on the market then you might have to agree to a royalty deal.

But this way of doing things is changing rapidly in the industry as we are seeing translators being hired more as professionals than as co-authors.

This means that the translator is just hired for a single project which is translating a book and they are paid according to that project. This is how big publishing companies do it because it is a lot simpler and it is also very budget-friendly.

Now, whether this is ethical or the right thing to do is up to you and we leave that to your discretion.

So, Should You Get Your Book Translated and Sell Those Rights?

In order to understand this, you must have a deep understanding of how markets work because if you randomly decide to get your book translated and published in international markets then that might not be the best thing.

It is only when you understand that there is a demand for your book internationally you should invest in finding a foreign publisher and getting your book translated and selling those rights.

For example, there are excellent case studies for books like Harry Potter and how translation rights work and if you read them, you will get an understanding of how international translation rights truly work.

It all depends on understanding demand and generating supply. For this, you need to have an understanding of the market but most importantly you need to have a good connection with your international fans.

You must conduct surveys on your social media profiles in order to understand if there is a demand for your book internationally and whether you should translate it.

This is because it is not worth it to publish your book internationally if there is no demand for it.  There are other cultural factors as well.

You might not know that your book might be popular in a certain country but for that, you need to have immaculate prediction and also understand cultural nuances.

For example, if you have published a book about Christianity in the US and it deals with different Christian communities of different ethnicities then you might want to explore those markets.

For example, if the book has an individual chapter about Christians in India, then you might want to do research about that market and try to translate your book for those Christian communities in their regional languages.

We hope this blog has been helpful for you to understand everything about translation rights and global book rights. Things might seem a little bit complicated because they actually are, especially if you are a new author.

That is why we are here to help you because we are Orange Publishers and we are the fastest-growing and most popular book publisher in India.

One of the perks of publishing with us is that we take care of everything whether is copyright or whether it is international translation rights.

We do everything in-house right from the printing to the publishing as well as the planning of the marketing strategy and much more.

We would love to publish your masterpiece and we welcome you to check out everything we do.


Mumbai is the hub of book publishing in India and if you want the finest book publishers in India then you need to look for book publishers in Mumbai.

And that is why we bring you this blog to you where we talk about the top 10 publishing houses in Mumbai. These are the top 10 publishing companies in Mumbai that are impactful enough to operate throughout India.

This list is going to comprise of top book publishers in Mumbai that might be traditional publishers as well as self-publishing book houses.

This list is going to be according to the best to the better which means the higher the rank the better the book publication in Mumbai.

Before we bring this list, will would like to tell you that this is our personal list of best publishing houses in Mumbai and if you have any other names then we would love to hear them in the comment section.

So, grab a coffee and a pen as we bring you the top 10 book publishing houses in Mumbai

Here Are the Top Ten Book Publishing Companies in Mumbai

1. Orange Publisher


At number one we have one of the finest book publishing houses in Mumbai because they do literally everything when it comes to the publishing world.

They have a strong foothold in the traditional publishing industry and they are also among the finest names when it comes to self-publishing.

They are extremely well acquainted with the educational sector of book publishing and they have a deep network cover of distributors so that you might not even have to go online to get your Orange books popular.

Along with that, they are also one of the most modern companies we can think of because they have a very helpful website where you can simply go and look at their work and everything they do.

They have some of the finest names when it comes to modern Indian writers and they also have international success and have quite a few international writers under their name.

They do everything in-house and while they are not situated directly in Mumbai, they are pan India. It does not really matter where they are situated because you are going to get the same level of service everywhere.

If you want reliable book publishers and especially book publishers in Mumbai that publish books of every possible genre then this is it.

While they do not have offices in Mumbai but we have decided to include them in the Mumbai list just because they have a substantial market in Mumbai with a lot of readers.

  • Website – https://orange-publishers.com/
  • Contact Number – +91-9830050132 | +91-9830330809
  • Contact Email – [email protected]
  • Address – Ground Floor, 98, 37-A, Gopal Lal Tagore Road, Sarat Kanan Pally, Nainan Para, Baranagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700036

2. New Saraswati House

New Saraswati House

At number two we have another highly reputed publishing company in Mumbai who are specialists at what they do and have an amazing foothold in the market.

They offer premium solutions when it comes to traditional publishing as well as self-publishing solutions and they also do everything in-house.

They are among the few names in the industry that are irreplaceable when it comes to book publishing companies in Mumbai.

But you might be thinking why they are at number two instead of one and the reason is that they only do educational book publishing.

This means if your requirements are educational book publishing then they are the finest in Mumbai but if you have any other requirements regarding any other genre then they will not be able to help you.

  • Website – https://www.saraswatihouse.com/
  • Contact Number – +91 22 28769871/28737050
  • Contact Email – [email protected]
  • Address – Unit no. 701, Building Corporate Arena, D.P. Piramal Road, Goregaon (w), Mumbai-400062 (INDIA)

3. Jaico Publishing House

Jaico Publishing House

Jaico is the third name on the list because they are among the finest novel publishers in Mumbai.  Their work is simply fantastic when it comes to publishing.

They also have a good foothold on the market just like Orange Publishers and they understand what is publishing when it comes to variety and genres.

You can find any and every kind of book at Jaico because they do not have any limitations when it comes to the topic of books and unlike our second name in the list who were just educational book publishers.

You can even find some big names when it comes to their authors but there is a reason why they are number three on the list. They only do traditional publishing and they do not do self-publishing.

This means you will have to go through the usual steps unless you are someone who is very popular and has a lot of connections.

  • Website – https://www.jaicobooks.com/
  • Contact Number – +91 22 4030 6767
  • Contact Email – [email protected]
  • Address – A-2, Jash Chambers, 7-A Sir Phirozshah Mehta Road,
    Fort, Mumbai – 400 001, India.

4. Spenta Multimedia Pvt Ltd.

Spenta Multimedia

At number four we bring you a unique publishing company on our top 10 list because this is the best magazine publishing company in Mumbai.

They are one of the biggest names when it comes to their own magazine publications and these publications are of very high quality and have excellent graphics and excellent visual material.

They cover everything from tourism to food and culture as well as architecture and art and so much more. They are the perfect lifestyle magazine publishing company.

But since they are not fulfilling a traditional role out here as a traditional publishing company that is why they are at number four on our list.

They mostly do magazines and high-quality graphics publications for airline companies and government agencies and big entities like that. They are not the traditional book publishers.

  • Website – https://www.spentamultimedia.com
  • Contact Number – 0251 2395 707
  • Contact Email – [email protected]
  • Address – Plot No.15,16 & 21/1, Morivali MIDC, Chikhloli Village, Ambernath (W), Maharashtra – 421505.

5. Swamy Publishers

Swamy Publishers

In keeping with the theme of unique publishers, we have Swami publishers at number five on the list simply because they also fulfil a unique role in Mumbai.

They are probably the only publishers that publish rule books for Central Government employees and that is also the reason why they are very popular in this very unique category.

They have their own publication and they only do their own publications internally and they do not have any options for traditional publishing or even self-publishing.

This is one of the rare companies out there that does not get into other genres and sticks to their very own genre and does a very good job at it.

And since there are only a few publishing companies in India like this, that is why we have decided to include them in the list.

Although they do not have offices in Mumbai, we have decided to include them in the Mumbai list simply because they have a substantial market in Mumbai with a lot of buyers.

  • Website – https://www.swamypublishers.com
  • Contact Number – +91-44-24 93 8365
  • Contact Email – [email protected]
  • Address – 236, R.K. Mutt Road
    A. Puram, Chennai – 600 028

6. Penguin Publishers

Penguin Random House

At number six we come to one of the most well-known publishing companies in India and that is Penguin Publishers.

They have been in the industry for a long time and are just as old or even older than Orange Publishers. While they do not have Mumbai offices, they are among the best-selling publishing companies in Mumbai.

They have published every kind of book including fiction as well as nonfiction and even poetry and you can find every kind of book when it comes to Penguin Publishers.

But the reason why they are at number six is simply because they only do traditional publishing and there is no scope for self-publishing.

It means you cannot utilise their amazing market presence to self-publish your books with them and it is the reason why they are at number six.

  • Website – https://www.penguin.co.in/
  • Contact Number – +91-124-478-5600
  • Contact Email – [email protected]
  • Address – 7th Floor, Infinity Tower C
    DLF Cyber City
    Gurgaon – 122 002 Haryana

7. Harper Collins Publishers

Harper Collins Publishers

We have another popular name at number seven as we bring you Harper Collins. They are a household name when it comes to publishers in India.

They are probably one of the most popular and well-known publishing companies in Mumbai and they have been in the publishing industry for decades.

They publish nearly everything you can think of from educational books to fiction and nonfiction books as well as history books and so much more

But the reason why they are at number seven is simply because they only provide traditional publishing services which means you will have to go the old way of submitting your manuscript and waiting months for an answer.

This is a flaw in our opinion because the modern publishing industry dictates that authors can take matters into their own hands and self-publish with popular companies and you do not get that with Harper Collins.

8. Orient Black Swan Publishers

Black Swan Publishers

At number eight we have one of the most premium publishing companies in India that is well known for publishing on every influential general out there.

Whether it is important books on Indian literature or whether it is political books or books about social sciences, they publish everything that is happening and influential.

They have even co-published with a lot of important institutions in India such as the Tata Institute of Social Sciences as well as the Netaji Research Bureau and so many more.

They are one of the most popular publishing companies in Mumbai with a large reader base but the reason why they are at number eight is simply because they only do traditional publishing.

And if you want to publish something through the traditional route and you are a first-time author then it would be very difficult for you to get your manuscript through to them.

That is why it is very difficult for a common author without any connections to get anything published as there are no self-publishing options with them.

  • Website – https://www.orientblackswan.com
  • Contact Number – 27662849, 27662850
  • Contact Email – [email protected]
  • Address – 3-6-752 Himayatnagar, Hyderabad,
    500 029 Telangana

9. Sterling Publishers

Sterling Publishers

We come to the ninth name on our list when it comes to the top 10 publishing companies in India and we had to include Sterling Publishers to the list.

They are quite simply one of the most prominent publishing companies in Mumbai and they have probably published more titles than anyone else in Mumbai.

If you speak about numbers then they have more than 15,000 titles to their name and they have published everything that you can think of from religious books to books on academics.

They are at number nine simply because they are not just focused on publishing but they also have side businesses such as printing and packaging.

This is one of the reasons why they have so many titles under the name but it is also the reason why some might say they do not focus on the publishing aspect as much.

Some even have the opinion that they have become a generic brand with no individualism.

One can also see that they are not utilising their industry hold and not adapting themselves to the modern times but they are a good publishing company in general.

  • Website – https://www.sterlingpublishers.in/
  • Contact Number – +91 8287 798 380
  • Contact Email – [email protected]
  • Address – Plot No -13, Ecotech III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306

10. Mehta Publishing House

Mehta Publishing House

And finally, we come to the last name on our list and we had to have one of the most prominent Maratha publishing houses on the list and that is exactly what Mehta Publishing House is.

They have an amazing foothold in the regional language market and they provide regional audiences with books of every kind

They are not just limited to literature because they provide historical books as well as books on motherhood/child care and also books on tragedies and also health and so much more.

The reason why they are at number 10 is simply because this is a top 10 publishers list that primarily focuses on companies that publish in English.

But we have decided to include them since they are so influential when it comes to book publishers in Mumbai.

The other reason why they are at number 10 is simply because they only do traditional publishing which means you will have to wait for them to approve your manuscript and go the traditional route.

You cannot expect self-publishing with them but they are certainly one of the biggest names in Mumbai.

  • Website – https://www.mehtapublishinghouse.com
  • Contact Number – +91-20-24475462 / +91-9545000513
  • Contact Email – [email protected]
  • Address – 1941, Sadashiv Peth, Madiwale Colony,
    Opposite Telephone Exchange, Bajirao Road,
    Pune – 411030 (Maharashtra)

We hope this blog has been helpful for you to understand the top 10 publishing companies in Mumbai and we do hope you find the perfect publishers for publishing your masterpiece.

It is very important to choose the perfect publishing company for yourself and we would love the opportunity to publish your masterpiece for you at Orange Publishers.